Office 365 – Create a Company-Wide Email Signature
A company-wide email signature appears on every email sent by people in your organization. You can use it to display important details, like your company contact information or a legal disclaimer.
To create a company-wide email signature:
- In the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Exchange.
- Select Mail flow.
- Select Add +, and then select Apply disclaimers.
- On the New rule page:
- Enter a name for the rule.
- From the Apply this rule if drop-down list, select Apply to all messages.
- In the Do the following drop-down list, verify that Append the disclaimer is displayed.
- On the right side of the page, select Enter text, and then enter the text for your email signature in the Specify disclaimer text box. You can improve the look of your signature by formatting the text with HTML.
- If you want an image to appear in your signature, you’ll need to use a publicly available URL for that image. Browse to the image on the web, right-click it, and select Copy image address. Paste the address into the Specify disclaimer text box. Select OK, then scroll down.
- To make sure the signature works with encrypted emails, add a fallback option. On the right of the page, choose Select one, choose Wrap, and then select OK.
- Scroll down and leave the mode set to Enforce, and then select Save.
- A warning message will appear. Select Yes to apply the rule to all future messages.
Your signature has been created. When you send your next email, you won’t see the signature you just created, but the email recipients will see it.